Loading a saved game returns a game's territories, forces, turn round, and technologies to the in game saved position.
Hit the Load Saved Game button to return to a previously saved game. Click Cancel to close the window without making any changes to the current game. Select the desired game by clicking with the left mouse key and hitting OK. This button launches a second window displaying the games available in the left column, along with a brief description of each. This button allows the player to change the existing game (displayed next to Game Name) to another game. These include: Game Name Game Version Game Round and File Name of the current game. In the top left hand corner, TripleA displays the details of the currently loaded game.

The main menu for Triple A is the first window seen when the program is initiated. Big World:1942 (includes 2 scenarios which are mostly the same scenario but use v2 and v3 rules respectively).Version 1.3 and later comes with the following maps: GitHub is the host location for the TripleA project and TripleA is Free Software, and is released under the GPL. TripleA supports single player vs AI, hot-seat, Play by Email, and a hosted online lobby. TripleA comes with multiple maps and over 100 more maps can be downloaded from the user community. Some maps are more fantasy oriented or based on non historical scenarios. Many maps for individual games are historical, being primarily based on relative strength and position of world powers leading up to the Second World War. TripleA games involve various scenarios between world powers depicted on maps of varying size and complexity. TripleA is a turn-based strategy game engine. 14.1 Larry Harris Tournament Rules (LHTR).

8.1.9 LHTR Carrier production = rules.version.3 Carrier production.8.1.8 LHTR Heavy Bomber = Restricted Heavy Bomber.8.1.7 LHTR Tech Activation = Restricted Tech Activation.8.1.4 Battleships repair at end of round.6 Walk-Through of a game turn (using Big World as an example).4 Units and their Special Abilities Overview.3.2 Turn Order and Sequence of Play Overview.3.1 The Game Board (Game Setup, Territories, and common Territory properties).3 Basic Rules (using Big World as an example).1.3.5 Playing against the Artificial Intelligence (AI).