Except for data exchanges that have been authorized by your advisor, MG does not disclose or share your personal information with any third party, unless required by law to do so (for example, to comply with a subpoena). Your financial advisor can authorize MG to allow the exchange of data between and other programs or websites that your advisor uses in their business, and your personal information can be included in these data exchanges.Please contact your financial advisor if you have questions about their firm’s privacy policy. Your advisor’s use of your data is governed by their firm’s privacy policy. Your advisor uses your personal information, in conjunction with our software, to provide customized financial planning reports for you. This financial advisor and, if applicable, the firm with whom they are licensed, also has access to your personal information on. You were granted access to by a financial advisor.Our Privacy Policy has three key elements. (“MG”), the developer of myMoneyGuide® and, is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your information on our website. Data center employees DO NOT have access to our customer data.Encrypted weekly back-up tapes are taken to a secure off-site facility.Customer databases are backed up nightly to local storage libraries.MG’s data center has state-of-the art uninterruptable power, smoke detection and fire suppression systems, temperature and humidity regulation, water detection devices and other environmental monitoring systems.

Multiple security levels restrict individual access only to the areas required for specific job functions.24/7/365 video camera surveillance and alarm monitoring is in place at all locations.All access is strictly monitored and logged.Multiple layers of access security controls, including biometrics, keycard and PIN-code, are required for physical access to the Data Center and our servers.